Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

"Thursday Threesome"a day early

Onesome: all - all the world's a stage... So what types of issues put you on your soapbox? You mean I have a soapbox? I thought after all these years, my job was to hold the soapbox! I guess for me my issues would be the squeaky clean thing - Do Unto Others, as You Would Like Done to You, or something along that line. In other words, don't screw with me to get ahead on the ladder of success, don't worm your way out of work and dump it all on me and take credit for the job well done. Fairness! Equal! Cuz, by golly, what comes around goes around double! Whoa! This box is high!

Twosome: things - what sort of things are you most likely to purchase "spur of the moment" when shopping? Shoes (on sale!). a magazine (Rosie, O, People). a good book.

Threesome: girl - sugar and spice and everything nice? Come now, what are YOU really made of? Judging by my weight, dorittos, sugar, chips and dip. I may not be Suzy Homemaker or the girl next door, but I think in all assets, I'm made of humble feelings, pure (most of the time) thoughts and a loving heart.

Dang.. trying to come off rough and tuff and I end up looking like a geek!


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