Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

husband factor

For those who have come to see my "Friday Five" post with the 'pictures' - here is the post. I wore this outfit tonight to my MK meeting.

I guess this picture can also put me in the Mirror Project. I did take some photos of myself in the elevator where I worked the contract job, so I guess I need to do that too.

I got this great email from my project manager -


If I can do anything to get you back...I will. You were awesome to work with, not once did you complain, and you were incredibly fast and good!!!

I'll let you know how the launch goes..but watch the news. We should make national news today!!!! And you were part of this!!

Anyway...Gotta run....


Even had an ex-boyfriend get ahold of me because he heard on the grapevine that I worked on this project... damn! So now I wonder do I write him back or not.

But the husband factor. I just don't know. Back up to when I joined MK, my husband said, "don't expect support from me". He went to a few things with me and one was a major disaster, he thought he was at some church revival and all he could hear from the speakers was "quit your job, make money for us". That day pretty much told me that I was going to fly solo and I would have to do a "WOW" thing. With or without him. Once a year my Director has a 'husband' night where they get to come to the weekly event and see what we do and gives them a chance to ask questions. When this was brought up a 2 years ago, I got a sounding "Hell NO" and I left it alone. I don't remember there being one last year, and when it came to this year's (tonight) I didn't ask and I just went to the meeting. There are a lot of women whose husbands can't go, won't go, single mom's, single women.. so I' m not alone in a room full of couples. But at the same time, Stephanie has the men stand up and introduce themselves and say something nice about their spouse/significant other and at the same time I can't see my husband saying nice things about me to other people. I mean, he does say nice things to me, not to others in public though, or that I'm aware of at work.

She gave them a "Big Hunk" candy bar to thank them for their support and because they are a "big hunk". Little secret.. all candy bars have a hidden meaning in MK. Remind me to list them all one day. I had to speak, which made me extremely nervous in front of the men and I didn't take proper notes so I felt like a nerd up there with all these extra eyes on me. After the meeting, Stephanie gave me an extra candy bar and told me to give it to B.

I did and he asked what it was for.

I said it was husband night and she gave me one to give to you.

He then replies "So I'm the asshole husband who didn't go?"

No, I didn't think you would want to go, you didn't want to go 2 years ago (HUGE MISTAKE FOR THAT COMMENT)

Oh.. 2 years ago. Am I still the asshole husband?

No. {huge sigh} I'll invite you next year.

What gives?


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