Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Thursday, June 27, 2002

How sweet life is. I finally have some time to post, you would have thought I would be posting last night after all what happened.

First, the scene. Since hubby is now working on evenings on my MK night's I have put the search out for teen-age babysitters. Sitters I can find, teens, I can't. So I find this young girl Sally to watch Jennifer this week. She didn't seem all with it to do it, and of course she bailed on me a hour before meeting time. So I can the idea. Even though it's the end of the month, prize night, etc. I don't think I should go. Jennifer tells me, in her sweet voice, 'find me a babysitter, I want one, you need Mary Kay, call." Stuborn little thing, but I did. So I call Lindsey, a new girl I never met and ask that can she do the sitting in 30 minutes?. Such short notice, I love this gal.

She comes over, hits it off with Jennifer (she's 13) and I'm off to look good, and feel good.

Now - this is where it gets wild. It's the end of the month, all kinds of challenges full-filled and now to see who the winners are.

Hundred Dollar Day
You know - have a hundred dollar day, put your business card in the jar, end of the month, drawing for a real cool piece of jewelry. I haven't been the most active consultant, but I have had my hundred dollar days and I have never won. (hint hint). I have told myself, "it only takes one" and watch another consultant jump for joy and cry out "I only put one in!" ok, so it wasn't my card! I was even too busy last night to watch the hoop-la of the drawing, catching up with a friend I haven't seen in a month and I hear my name called. ME? NO!! I know there is another person with my name, so I look for her, she's not here. Even if she did get her name called and she wasn't there, she wouldn't have won, has to present to win. I WON! I WON MY FIRST HUNDRED DOLLAR DAY JEWELRY!!! Will post picture later. It's pretty cool.

30 Day Interview / Guest Night
Another great end of the month contest. I have won this before and I think of all contests that Stephanie does, this is my favorite. For every interview I do, or guest I bring, I get to put my name on the board. Goal is to reach 30 each month. Then someone picks between 1 and the ending number and who ever wins, gets to go out for a power hour lunch with Stephanie. I did back in Nov. 2000. Would love to again now that I have more questions and know what to ask. I didn't win this time, but I'm ok. Because I won the Hundred Dollar Day! :)

Then from there, thing went hetic. Babysitter called every 20 minutes and I had to leave the room, then I couldn't reach them and realized they had taken the phone off the hook. Wasn't too worried but if something did become a problem, I wanted the phone hung up.

But I guess the best for last comes next. I get home, take the babysitter home and meet her mom. Within 30 minutes I meet someone I would like to know more, and recieved a hundred dollar order (bring on the jar... I'm ready for July!) I love working my business at 10:30 at night and getting a huge order.. it makes going to sleep great!!

Thanks sweetie Jennifer for making me go.
Love mom


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