Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Saturday, July 20, 2002

I received my first email off the blog. Not sure if it was a mean question or a general question:

Do you think 24/7 Mary Kay?


Ummm. No. Try not to. This is a journal for me to come back and look at the good days and hard days and see where my rhythm is if I loose it. Make sense? I need positive enforcement at all times, so writing in a journal, and yes, maybe a little crazy by being public; I can see how far I have come from.

In the meantime, when not doing MK, I am a mom of 2. Daughter Jennifer who is 8, and son Dustin who is 7. Light of my life. Married 11 years to wonderful husband I met in the military, and work part time as a graphic artist/ web developer for a cheap ass insurance company. Perks of the job - really nice stuff for my future portfolio if I decide to go to another job, which I'm still searching for. Hours are set at my pace, 9-3. Off to work after seconds of dropping the kids off from school and home when they walk in the door from school. I figured boss wasn't going to put me on full time status (got tired of "maybe next month" for 5 months) and so now I take Friday's off to do my thing. I love doing graphic design, but in the same token, if I'm going to stay with this dead-beat guy, then I should move onto something more that will pay more. Right now, in this area, there are just no jobs and the ones I have seen, they want web experience, sales experience, book-keeping experience all rolled up into one position. They expect us developers to have been coding since infancy. Yes, I started coding at the age of 2 before diaper training. Didn't make sense at the time, but it was a wicked execute.

My husband works 2 jobs to supplement the low pay of my 2 jobs. And unfortunately, they are in the hours of "never see the wife and kids" section. I see things looking up and that in a year we will be back on our feet, and both in better cars, a better home and a more stable income. In the meantime, we get by, we do our best and I live on the idea "if we can get through this together, we can get through anything".


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