Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

Off topic: In honor of a favorite past time (shopping), the Thursday Threesome today celebrates the Autumn Soap Sale over at Loveland Soapworks!

Onesome. Autumn. As the season changes, what changes for you? Your Daily Routine? Weekend Schedules? Your Mood?Not much. I think my children see the changes.. they are on year round school, and on their first 3 week break, which ends next Tues. That means late nights, sleep in's in the morning. With school back in, it now means Girl Scouts on the weekends, Boy Scouts when ever they pick a date to meet, and life goes on. Not a major change in my schedule.

Twosome. Soap. Come now, fess up. Are you a squeaky clean kind of person - or are there dark secrets hidden in your closets???To a point I am anal about cleaniness. I can let the house go dirty for awhile, but not my office desk, my computer screen (all icons have to line up in a certain order) or my closet. My clothers line up by colors so I can tell what is clean and what is in the wash and can find easily what I'm going to wear for the day. But I can let the house just fall apart for days, weeks and what right now feels like months.. we still have over 10 boxes still packed from our move in March sitting in the living room, and about 30 in the basement.

Threesome. Sale. Have you ever bought something absolutely ridiculous or unnecessary, simply because it was on sale and "such a good deal"? Is it tucked away in the attic or a closet - or did you find it really useful? Yeah - the suede jacket (pictures in last Friday's Five post) but I didn't buy it, my mom did for me.. but it would have been a deal and I would have if I had the money. Other silly things - a ring I bought on ebay. Don't need one, it's cheesy looking, fake as all hell and I haven't even told my husband about it yet. He's upset as it is that I have had to take my wedding band off because my finger was swelling. I wear the ebay ring ($10 with shipping) only on special occasions.

How about you? Post your answers in your own space and leave a comment so we can find you!


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