Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

My job sucks. It's got no benefits and no future.

When I first started doing movie title quotes for my subject titles, I thought that in 2 days I'll be banging my head against a wall trying to find movies to match my thought. What did I get myself into? I found a "random quote" page on the IMDB site and type in the word that's going with my thought process then I search a list of movies and pick one from there. I'm going to try and stay with movies I've seen.. but hey, at least you know that when you come to visit.. you got some movie quotes to look at.

So on to the topic at hand. SUCKS. Heck, that's a cuss word on this blog. I better be careful. But it's true. I feel guilty as crap when there is nothing to do at work and I sit there doing nothing but surf, read a little on what you can do to a pdf file (which is pretty cool) and then check to see who has visited the site (this one) lately and then who has updated their blog in the past 30 minutes, then I look to some co-workers for work to do, they have nothing for me, then it's back to surf, read, check stats, check blogs,... catch my drift? It sucks! I should be grateful, and I am, that I am working. But i don't want to wear out my welcome and one day they realize that there isn't enough work for me and let me go.

So what do I do? After at least 5 hours of this silly routine, I go home for the day to work on my own personal stuff, and because my shoulder is getting worse and I'm just about out of meds... I don't get much done. THIS SUCKS!

Oh well.. I've vented. I'm going to go and relax in the clean living room I did yesterday and I cleaned my bathroom today. Threw out a ton of pink samples that I use for myself that were no good.(anyone want some NEW - lips, cheek or eye samples? - Let me know). A clean bathroom with no toothpaste on the counter for 2 weeks.. how lucky can I get?


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