Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Movie Quote - I found out what the secret to life is: friends. Best friends.

I'm going to give my reasons for love on Julie. My best friend.

She is the best friend I have ever had.

She knows when to make me laugh, when to make me think on issues that need serious thought... and in that same sentance - she knows when to step back and let me think it through, she knows my ups and downs, my strengths and weakness.

She leaves me funny messages on my phone and we play a great game of phone tag weekly.

When I need support - she rallies on my side 110% and more

When I had an awesome day, a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to - she is the first person I think of

She is my best friend - Julie

On a side note - we were talking this morning before work. Usually we do catch up on the phone in our cars. This morning I was late getting ready for work, so she was in the car, I was doing my hair.

She had called the other night and I missed her call (we were at Chilis). B made a fuss about it. He said something along the line, you talked to her earlier today, do you have to talk 5 times a day on the phone?

No. Not really. More like 10 to 20 times a day.

If we don't get our "Julie" / "Susan" fix for the day we are in a rut. I don't know what we would do without each other. We have been through so much together.. dead beat husbands, money woes, great days and lack of "pink" business (yep, she's a pink lady too), lay-offs. We have been through so much, and we are always just days or months from doing the same thing. We both learned to play golf together, we have a lot of the same passions and goals in life (GRAND AM!) that I know when I say something, she won't think I'm nerdy (ok, she does but in a fun way). She's my biggest support on my website designs. Talking this morning, she mentioned she liked the new feature I added to one of the sites. Not even the client said anything about the little bullet change I made. She said it best - it took us awhile to find out we were meant to be friends, and our friendship has slowly built over the past 2 years. I could go on and on about the things we do for each other - and I'm sure to a few people.. this all sounds nerdy, but up till then, I have never had a "BEST FRIEND". Never. Friends that come and go like a NASCAR race... racing the track at 180 miles an hour. Friends long enough in the pit stop then off and gone in seconds. Julie has been my friend for so long and a great support to my low self esteem. Thank you Julie. I'm so glad you stayed in Denver. Now to keep me in town. :) Our long distance bills would be a killer!


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