Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002


Ok, the door is WIDE open and I see it, the question is.. do I go through it? So there is the post below about a great job that is a possibilty. Not a great possibility once they started asking for specifics of stuff I have done, but it's there.

Then I go to my meeting with MK tonight and Stephanie tells me that there is another Director who is looking for an assistant. An assistant for a Director in MK is like a helper. She helps the Director file her stuff, keep tabs on her unit, call corporate a lot, a chance for me to see what/how a Director does her thing. Pay won't be great, but it could make up for the hours that my boss is taking away from me. Nice thing is, this could lead to other Directors needing my services and turn into a full time job. This Director needs me 2 times a week. Stephanie says she's a stubborn one, and is a sticklar of things but wouldn't have mentioned my name if she didn't think I could handle it. I took that as one of the biggest compliments I have ever recieved.

This could also help me break out of my biz slump and motivate me into working harder.. wouldn't that be a plus? And still be home for the kids before and after school. It's ideal if the pay is decent. But because they are looking for another consultant, the pay won't be that great, because technically I should be working my business that I don't need this money. But I do. I want to jump on this. This really is the door open for me.. and it's the door that twirls around, so it's still open every time it swings around.

Then I get home and my Bo tells me there is a message on the machine from another job I applied to (oh.. better luck too!). I listen to the message, but all I can hear is "marketing websites". I don't want to sell websites. I want to design websites. I quickly check all the jobs I have posted for and I'm pretty sure I applied to all graphic design jobs. This job is also 80 miles away, another city all together. But I will call. I might have heard wrong and I need to make sure all avenues are checked and double checked. We can't afford to go backwards at this time money wise.

The plus side tonight.. awards for consisitency was given out. For perfect attendance over a 6 month period is a reward of jewelry. Placing $200 orders every month for 6 months is the same, so if you do both for the 6 months, a nice jewelry set is given. I have recieved it once, the set. Since then, I have only had perfect attendance and last time I got some gorgeous earrings. Tonight I got a new bracelet for attendance again. I need to get back into orders so I can get the set next time.

So the door is open, but which door will it be? Door #1? (1st job today) Door #2? (Director) Door #3? (phone message). Monty Hall.. I better not find a billy goat behind that door I pick!


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