Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Saturday, August 10, 2002

romy and michele's high school reunion

Michele: I'm the Mary, and you're the Rhoda.
Romy: YOU'RE the Rhoda, you're the Jewish one.

You know I'm going to write about it. :)

Today Jennifer and I went out for lunch and then some Target shopping for school supplies. The movie Romy & Michele came up and how it was on TV the other night and within a second, we both looked at each other and cried out .. "I LOVE THAT MOVIE!". Right there in the office supply section. Our kids looked at us, rolled their eyes and went about their ways. I'm sure they thought we were geeks.

Jennifer and I looked right at each other and in almost the same breath, declaired who was romy and who was michele in our friendship. There was no fighting on this issue. She's Romy, and I'm Michele. Though we both agree that the name itself "Romy" is cool, there is no question who is who in our friendship.

Another great reason of why I love this gal!


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