Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Friday, November 15, 2002

Alas, little ones, I do not rule.

Nothing to do with todays events.. just restless quote searching and maybe because it's J's favorite show and I miss the kids.

I talked with Julie early this morning and we have decided to do our Holiday Open House next weekend at my house. So I need to quickly wrap up this post and work on the flyer so it can get in the mail tomorrow. If I can get past the yawns. I went over to Hobby Lobby after work and bought a few baskets, frames, christmas wrap and other goodies, everything 1/2 off and spent $13.00 I was really proud of myself. Then I went over to Party City and got some raffle tickets, each customer who attends, brings a guest and spends a certain amount gets to put a ticket into a drawing for a goodie basket that I have yet to figure out will be. A lot of my customers earned "Holiday Dollars" through out the year and will redeem them at the Open House. SHould be fun. While checking on email at work, 4 of my favorite customers wrote me and asked when it would be and wanted to go - so I know I have a 4 signed up!

I talked to the kids this morning. J was acting up and said she wanted to come home until she realized that grandma would really send her home if she cried wolf like that. They are having fun, but mornings are hard on J and so she acts up. Mom asked me why I put up with it.. maybe it's such a routine I just deal with it and get going. I dunno. Tomorrow is house cleaning and website design... again. Story of my life. Need to knock out 2 of the sites so that they can become maintenance and not rebuilds every 3 days.


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