Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Thursday, November 28, 2002


The Table -

The Food -

B and I worked as a team and it was a blast. He got home from the midnight shift (make mental note of that comment) and started on the turkey. We cleaned up the house a bit and we moved the dinning table out of the kitchen into the formal room because there is no room in the kitchen for 4 people, let alone 7. I did the table up, I wish I had better pictures, but I have a crappy digital, so hopefully my mom took better ones that she will scan later. The table looked awesome, the fish behaved herself. Then about 1 pm, my mother-in-law showed up and we went into team work. B worked on the yams, I worked on the mash potatoes, then the corn, then he worked on the cranberry stuff, then I went to corn-on-the-cob and he went to carving up the turkey, the ham (yes, we had ham too) was already cut, just needed warming up. Slowly things went out on to the extra table we had out and it was just full of yummy things. My mother-in-law brought over 2 pumpkin pies, a pecan pie, rolls and stuffing. By 2 pm we were eating the works. Everyone full to the gills... my mom ends up taking 2 naps (she has a sugar problem) and my mother-in-law takes 1 and in between the naps, my mother-in-law brought "pre-Christmas gifts" for us, so we watched D play with his new "Spongebob CD game" on the computer. B got some light/tire gauge/gadget toy and J and I both recieved Christmas sweaters. I'm always telling my mother in law that I don't have any festive clothing like she does and so now I do.

By 5 pm we were watching the Travel channel and watching all the Disney secrets and B and I are justing wanting to go back there as soon as possible. (yes.. B is still going full strong) In-laws leave around 7 pm and B heads off to bed for the first time since 7 pm LAST NIGHT at 7:30. Mom heads off to bed for the 3rd time today at 8:30. My friend who lost her husband called a few minutes ago and we talked about how she and the boys are doing. Her husband was in need of a lung transplant and never told anyone because he didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him. His body just shut down and he went down hill and never recovered. She said the boys are just in shock and she's trying to cope and I'm sitting here just wondering what can I do? She doesn't need me to babysit but has asked that I help with Kevin's birthday party that was cancelled because of his dad dying and now has to be rescheduled. I said not a problem. Can you believe her? She asked me what day was good for me to have the party? I told her to name the date.. I'll be there.

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I have a lot to be thankful for tonight and I'm now going to go cuddle with my babes and watch the Santa Clause.


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