Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Told You So!

Taking a small break from movie quotes..

Today I got home from work early and knew I had to hit the basement and dig through 30 boxes to find my china box. To give a small background on the china, my mom gave me her wedding set of china that was given to her from my Grandmother. I had the packers pack it - 7 years ago and since then the box has moved 6 times and never been unwrapped. I really had no idea what I would find in the box. But I figured that if the packers did it, we could get lucky and not have anything broken. Mom swore up and down that everything is broken and I'm sitting on false hope, so close to Thanksgiving. She follows me like our dog Shadow down to the basement and I find the box within seconds and I start unwrapping paper. I figured if anything is going to be broken, it will be at the top.. not so. Plates, platters, gravy bowl, salad plates, serving bowls, a depression bowl, one by one each item is unwrapped and everything is fine. I was doing the pee-pee dance of happiness that nothing was broken. But we didn't have to use everything and it was then I realized that there must be another box unopened because her tea cups were not in this box, so I'm not out of the woods yet, but those dishes are for another day.

I then took mom to the computer and went to "" a site that warehouses china and stuff and you find your patteren and can buy replacements to your set. It took us a while to find who made mom's set, then it took us 40 links to find the right pattern. This is the pattern to my china that will be used tomorrow. Pictures to follow.

Then mom and I went for the pink night. It was a quiet night being Thanksgiving Eve and all but people still come, and we still get training. I finally got to pin my mom, considering she's been my personal recruit since January and minutes later she was pinned for her own recruits, she loved it all. They held the drawing for the $100 Dollar Day, which I have only won once before and I really liked this month's prize.. a pink cadillac business card holder (pictures to follow) that is no longer available to buy. I wanted it, but being it's November and many other consultants are doing $1,000 and $1,400 weeks.. my odds of my 2 business cards were not great. I was pretty much wrong on that thought. My name was pulled and I got the car caddy. :) Totally made my night.

My Christmas present from B arrived today. He's really on a fickle about it. I know it's from the store, and that is it. He had them gift wrap it so he could put it right under the tree.. they sent him 2 pieces of tissue paper and a card - he's pissed now. So I know I'm guaranteed 3 coca-cola items for Christmas this year. My sister and mother-in-law will, now B is into getting me something.

B also got a letter from the corrections and they offered him the job for corrections officer, but he still needs one more phase to pass. He says the letter means nothing, he could still mess up the next test (physical), I think it does mean something and that the job is in the bag. We shall see. Happy Thanksgiving ~


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