Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002


When the good gets going, it goes and goes. I think I'm wrapping up Holiday Sales today. I visited my last customer last night and did another $100 day. I did some of those shrink wrap gift baskets and she went ape over it and bought 2 and then stocking stuffers for her friends at work. Nice thing? They were all wrapped and she didn't have to do it. That's so cool. I think I might ride the bus to work a few days before Christmas and carry a basket with me and see what happens.

I think it's ironic that the days I want to work, and put in the hours, there is nothing for me to do (hence once again - new layout.. I need my space so I skin my site like crazy) then the days I have things going on (this whole week) they get the crunch going and need me over-time. Not a biggy. My "baby" website is getting ready for some new releases, and a deadline crunch of next Wednesday has been put upon us. My baby site is the job contract that got me in here so it's awesome that I'm slowly turning into the lead on this project. Everyone else who worked on it was in on the site long before I was and they just want to be rid of it and have nothing to do with it, so I've been slowly taking it over. Next Monday and Tuesday they said we will be doing over time and roughly working till 10 pm both nights. Nice cash for after Christmas. For me - its the push of the deadline that gets me going. My PM is nervous we won't make it. I have no doubt that we will make it - with Christmas lights to top it!

So my list of things going on this week has now been added to next Monday and Tuesday and now the kids want to see Santa this weekend along with about 4 orders that I wasn't able to make last night.. I'm thinking next weekend will be my weekend of rest and relaxation.

The countdown begins for B now. He took his final test today and now the call that says it's official that he's a Correction Officer is out there waiting to be answered. He's a tad over-weight but I'm thinking that with him getting back into Corrections, this will be his push to become a police officer and the weight will start going off. I'm already drinking more water (about choked on it last night) and with nice weather - at lunch I'm going to start walking the 16 Street Mall.

Speaking of choking - have you ever choked? I have never before, and even when I thought my sister was choking me at a young age of 12, I realized last night that it was no where near that. My friend squeezed some lemon juice into my water to sweeten it up and I don't know what happend, but on one of my sips, it went down wrong and next thing you know, I can't breath out my nose, I'm coughing and I'm not breathing. I couldn't talk. I just sat there trying to gasp for air and none was getting in. Nothing was in my throat, but I think it had something to do with the lemon. It scared us both. I think I'll stop accusing my sister of the choking thing - because I could breath on that one.


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