Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Friday, December 13, 2002

the whole truth, nothing but the truth

Yes - after 3 hours of sleep - I have decided to tell B I was paid. I know it sound devious and all.. but he won't get it all, or know it all. He hords his money from me (see future Christmas present from him to me) and I know I have to do it to him to keep up with him. I'm keeping $200 of the huge paycheck (he will get more of it) and putting it away for some MK supplies and I'm going to plop down some webspace next week. So I'll be getting a new site within 2 weeks. I'm waiting on my new bank card from the bank and so I've been pulled in on the purse strings by my own bank.. I was stupid to forget to get a new bank card when it expired and I ran out of checks so I've got cash but no way to pull the money out. Of course, in the city of Denver - we picked a Credit Union that only has one building. No branches, no nothing - and it's 30 miles from the house. It sucks. :)

In the meantime - I'm going to learn PHP, skins and a few other web coolies. I'm setting up space for my journal and I'll get a another domain for my family so they can post photos for the family. I could just see letting everyone in my journal world access to my sister's photos and all these strangers commenting on her stuff.. she would pretty much freak out (ahhh freak out!). Now to name my space - I have 2 domain names picked out.. which one shall it be????


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