Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Sunday, September 15, 2002


I really do appreciate my weekends, even if it means doing nothing. I went to the Southerin LIving yesterday and realized, it's not done by Avon, but by a person who does Avon also. It was pretty neat and I'm thinking of doing a book party and I am making my wish list of items for Christmas, Birthday's and other gift holidays for B to use in his gift giving search.

I finished watching Lord of the Rings last night. Watched part of it last Tues. then while the kids were playing I finished it off.

I never read the book, but I can remember when I was child, my sister had a friend, Ellie. I considered her and her family wierd in all aspects of life. They didn't have a tv growing up and there were tons of old books in the house to look at when we went to visit. When my parents went away for a few weeks, my sister and I went to their home to stay. Ellie's dad was a dr. and drove a BMW so not knowing at the time that this was a fancy car... we kids teased him so for driving such a square car with no color, it was gray/silver. I'm sure he got the last laugh. Though they did not have a tv and lived such a strange life, I marveled at Ellie's mom. She was a stay at home mom and she would make home-made everything. Maple syrup, all kinds of breads, cakes from scratch and then give them away to friends. The house, along with 3 HUGE dogs, 4 cats, 3 bunnies and I think a few other odds and ends animals always had the smell of something being cooked.

But at night, when it was time to quiet down for the night, Ellie's dad would get the kids, she had a younger sister and a new baby brother and sit down and read from this fat, thick book with gold trim on the pages and read about the Hobbits and other mystical stuff. Ellie was 3 years younger then me. I was maybe 10 or 11 at the time and it amazes me know.. when I barely caught on to the Lord of the Rings, the movie.. that she and her sister would catch on to it as a book in their young years. But both Ellie and her sister were gifted girls, her sister skipped 2 grades in school. I could go on and say this lucky family turned out normal, but in the least it didn't. Ellie's mom went on to have 2 more children, Ellie was mortified at the age of 16 her mom having the last baby. Her gifted sister ended up pregnant at 16, but even now she is still with the same guy and they have had their 3rd child. Ellie went on to get 2 degrees. Something in international sales, then while helping her husband study for law, she realized she liked it too and became an international lawyer. And when the two younger kids were growing up, they did back down and get a tv. I bet their dad didn't read the Lord of the Rings to them... they probably saw it at the movies.


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