Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Saturday, November 30, 2002

Off topic...

Onesome: Game- What's your favorite game? Sports? - Hockey and Baseball, but it has to be, I have to be there to watch. Watching on tv isn't fun. Playing tha game? Golf. Board Game? "Life" and a bunch of others that I play with my in-laws.

Twosome: Set- Do you collect anything? Is there anything you've worked to get a full set of? Coca-Cola. It's terrbile - here's a post with all my pictures.. that has just SOME of the items I have, not all. I think 3 to 5 boxes of Coca-Cola items are still packed downstairs.

Threesome: and Match- Have you ever broken something belonging to someone else and tried to replace it with a perfect match? Breaking? No. Dead fish that the children take care of? - Yes. A replacement of a dozen red roses that was given to a room-mate from her boyfriend that my dog ate up.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! Now play along, leave a message and go eat *g*


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