Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

almost normal

Man. I hope I don't have a sugar problem like diabetes or something. I don't think I could do a regular life of whatever happened to me today on a normal day to day thing. I took a nap, but I vaguely remember watching tv. Means I have to re-watch the MK movie again. I missed a lot. Or maybe I did watch the full movie and they were incomplete? Dunno. I got up at 2:00 and literally stumbled to the fridge knowing I needed food in my body and I had the shakes and I could barely hold myself up to look into the fridge. I grabbed some left over nachos from lunch with Stephanie yesterday and quickly ate those. I crashed on the sofa again till the kids got home and I debated on going out with B and the kids to visit his mom. She was paying for a visit to the corn-maze and dinner and even though I wanted to go, I didn't feel good enough to go and he gave me the look like "you just don't want to go". So I mustered the energy I had and went with the family. All the way there I told B what had happened during the day and he laughed.. he knew I was in bad shape and for the first 2 hours all I did was yawn.

Found out the corn-maze was closed and so what else is there to do on a cold day in Denver, CO that's cheap and fun for the kids? NOT a DAMN thing. Tried a movie.. either the theater with movies for the kids already started, or there were no movies for the kids. We ended up going out for dinner and calling it a night.

I did get all caught up on my mother-in-law's life. She is such a riot in a sick way. The topic of her latest thing in life, she's becoming an ordained minister and we asked her - would she move if the church asked her to? She said that "God called her here, why would she move?". Well... wouldn't God be calling you if he wanted you to take over a church??? We asked that if money was no object - where would she go. She said no way to El-Paso where her sister and mother live now. "Why not?" Her reply "they would be in my life all the time". Oh yeah right.. just like you are in ours. I see my mother, talk to my mother more times in 1 month then we see of you. My mother lives 10 hours away. You live 30 minutes. She gave the kids their costumes and within seconds J asked if she could change her mind on her outfit for Halloween. I said yes, but only because she wants to, not because she thinks she has to. J is now Snow White.

On the job side - the graphic position called me and we talked for 10 minutes. They are going to submit my resume farther up for an offical interview, but I have no idea what to make of it. On the other hand, the Director who wants to hire me called me and said she found me another Director who wants to hire me for office work. That puts me at 5 Directors a week. Almost could make it on that pay. The driving around would get hetic but I could almost pull it off. And just over the weekend I got out and talked to people. I went grocery shopping with D and the grocery clerk (a guy!) asked if we still carry the shaving cream and I said yes. He ordered 2 on the spot. How cool is that!

Tomorrow I go up to Greeley, CO and talk with another Director about her Unit website. So it should be a fun day. Another person I have never met. So I think in the meantime, I'll work for the Directors - then if the graphic job comes through I'll take it if it's worth while, in the meantime bring in cash and make B happy. Gosh I hope this is what I'm supposed to be doing.


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