Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002


My 1st day with Ms. K. A great Director, a little on the airy side, but I think we will get along great. I don't think she will be pushy and guilt triping like Ms. C will. Have yet to hear from Ms. S (yes.. all Directors in the pink world get the 'Ms.' treatment because they have earned this respect. I'm just not going to name names, this is truley a small pink world.)

Ms. K's home was just a living dream. Huge, gigantic and just down right gorgeous. The ideal home for me, on the rich side, twist my arm to enjoy it.. please. Made me feel a little out of place and doubtful about myself, but days end and at Ms. C's Tuesday event night, I was back on top saying "this is why I'm doing this - to watch and learn". I even plan on taking a lunch break with Ms. C tomorrow and go home and make some calls to customers. She only lives a 5 minute drive from the house.

The exciting time (and I thrill easy) - was attending Ms. C's meeting tonight and meeting her team. I had to check everyone in and introduce myself. One lady looked at me and said she knew me but was sure I didn't remember her. She did look familar and I tried to place her. She started to describe where we had met and realized that we were once next door neighbors and her son played with my tykes. She had been a pink person once before and was thinking of going back in, and she would read my monthly magazines when they came in. We moved (when times were good) to a bigger place, she moved to a different place, and we lost touch. But we thought of each other often. Found out we are just blocks from each other and so we are tickled with the idea of the kids playing together once again.

Tomorrow I work for Ms. C and I hope that Thurs. I will have another Director lined up. We are going to go down faster then the Titanic if I don't bring some money in soon. So with that comment - with my "20 Words That Can Change Your Life" - I'm going to Imagine.

Your imagination has no bound-aries. As children we pretend, but as we grow up we gradually lose our appreciation for daydreaming. “Every so often, I let my imagination run wild,” says Vicki Inman of West Point, New York. “By thinking about a fantasy vacation or new career, I visualize what I can accomplish. I think that dreaming about something is the first step toward achieving it.”

I imagine a moment in my life when money is not an issue. When time is on my side. When car's that need repair, shoes need to be replaced, small, care-free spending can lead to joy and not guilt. I imagine a home of my own, where I can paint the walls, wallpaper the walls (it could happen), rake the leaves when I want to and call it my home. I imagine my children in after school activities. I imagine my husband, working 1 job, the hours that he wants, the days he wants at a pay he wants - not because he has to. I imagine a thinner body, happy, slimmer, able to shop for nice clothes. I imagine driving the famous pink cadillac - oh yes, a dream I dream. I imagine trips to fun places, family visits across the world, a huge home, possibly a swimming pool, and the biggest imagination of it all.. that one day I will hire an assistant that needs help her career and boost her life style as well.


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