Grand AM

The trials, struggles and joys of a "FULL TIME" lady in pink, mom, on her way to the top, with a few pitstops, pitfalls and questions along the way.

Monday, October 14, 2002


Hey! Guess what!? I have a kitchen! When I realized I wasn't going to work for a Director today, I thought that there is no way am I going to get this house cleaned in time for my Open House in 2 weeks and asking the kids to help would not be worth the effort. I tackled our dinning table turned junk / clutter mess and just started getting rid of crap. I figured if the kids hadn't played with or acknowledged it's use in 2 months, it was out the door. B came in and helped fix some of the cupboards and I got a gorgeous dining table under all the mess. We even sat down for a family dinner and when D asked to say grace B about hit the door to sit in the room and watch tv with his dinner. We shall see how long this takes, but I guarantee you - I wasn't cleaning no windows with a q-tip like someone last week wanted me to.

I then tackled Jody's site. I hit a wall with my design efforts and I noticed my navigation bar is turning templated and that's why I offered to do designs so they would stay away from the crappy design templated company that is out there doing websites for these Directors. I think I need to look for some inspiration over at the Miz's graphic section and just think pink while I'm over there. Go on the 'edge'.

Then Ms. C, my real boss of the all the Directors got a hold of me tonight and she wants a website now too I think. Don't have a clue with what that is all about. She's the one that said my stuff sucks and doesn't want my websites. Yep - I'm working for someone who can't stand my work. Going to charge her double. LOL.

Other then that - not much on this Monday. Nervous about money right now. I heard one of our newest consultants quit her job today and submitted for DIQ (Director In Qualification). I'm so proud of her. I wish I could get the customers she's getting that just wants to play with the stuff. I can't even get people to acknowledge my presence let alone what I do. Oh well.

Enough of the downer mood.


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