I am yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Got this from
Bonkrood. She got it from elsewhere.
10 years ago, I...
Married to B for one a year
He was station in Milton, FLorida (outside of Pensacola)
I was stationed in Philadelphia, PA on the
USS Forrestal
I was a YN3 (Secretary) working in Safety and then to Operations
Having kids were on our minds but not yet talked about
Our "kids" were our female Corgi "Tuppy" and yellow Lab "Buddy"
Weekends were spent at the movies and walking the mall
Visiting family in nearby Georgia, Alabama and Tennesse
5 years ago, I...
Married to B 6 years
We were both out of the military
We lived in Gallup, New Mexico
We had 2 children, J who would be 3, D would be 2
My dad had died the year before, we moved back home
B would start working at the County Jail
I was in college at the University of New Mexico - Gallup branch
I was taking classes in Graphic Design
I worked as lead designer at my father's business with my mom and sister
Weekends were spent learning to surf the new "www"
2 years ago, I...
Married to B 9 years (my math maybe wrong, but it's been a long time)
B left the COunty Jail (burned out) and was going into networking
We moved to Denver, Colorado
J would be in kindergarden and D would be in preschool.
I finished school and started working at my first .com company, many to follow
I started doing the "pink" thing on the side
Weekends were spent doing nothing, we took a hit on cost of living and weekends were broke. If it was the summmer, our townhouse had a pool, so I took the kids swimming every day. Some weekends were spent having dinner with in-laws.
1 year ago, I...
Married to B 10 years
Living in Denver, Colorado
Laid off from dream job, now working for mother-in-law in bakery
B had been laid off, but just started with current company
J is in 2nd grade, D is in 1st. The kids are growing faster then weeds
Still doing the "pink" biz, 3 new customers a month.
Weekends are none existent. Trying to make ends meet.
Yesterday, I...
Went to work at the cool .com company
Watched "We Were Soldiers" with B
Worked on a Director website
Talked to the kids (visiting with Grandma)
Talked with Julie and Stephanie
Today, I...
Will go to work at the cool .com company
Will shop for Stephanie's babyshower gift
Work on a Director's website
Talk to the kids
Tomorrow, I will...
Go to work at the cool .com company
Go to "pink" night and attend Stephanie's babyshower
Call customers for this weekends Holiday Open House
Call it a late night
Five things I have brand loyalty to:
Coca-Cola (always and foreva!)
Mary Kay Cosmetics
JC Penney
Five snacks I enjoy:
3 Musketeers
My five biggest joys at the moment:
My marriage to B
My children
WOrking full time, full pay, decent pay
Not giving up on my pink biz and it's still steady
Live if getting back to normal.