I have kept myself busy today. Trying not to think of the job that hasn't come through, the job's I have posted for not responding, the hate I have for my boss and what I should be doing other wise to not put myself in this spot. That wonderful nap messed up my sleep, which caused me to toss and turn till 4am this morning, so I am pretty much standing on very little right now. For amusement tonight, I enrolled my son in Boy Scouts. Last year my husband signed him up and went to the meetings and after 3 meetings, he said that the 'geekiness' of the dad's was just too much and it felt like he was the one learning all the stuff and not our son, so we pulled him out. My darling husband has a crowd issue. Anything involving more then 3 people is a crowd and he claims up, so being in a room full of boys and dads, the pressure must have been too much. I think job wise and lay-offs sealed the deal of him not returning.
I made up my mind, that no matter what the details were, I would be there for him this year. Now don't get me wrong.. I'm not looking for a babysitter for 2 hours. I'm looking for my son to get some one on one time with his friends, without his mom, dad or sister in the wings. I'll help out in every way, but I'm not crazy about attending each and every meeting which is done in the first year of boy scouts.
I have never had a brother, and I have fallen into that "stereo-type mom" where I do girl stuff (girl scouts) with my daughter, and dad does stuff with my son (boy scouts).. so attending my first B.S. meeting was an exeperience in itself. Having a man run around the room yelling to the boys "are we going to have fun this year?" and the kids screaming until they are blue in the face "yes" is a new thing to me. In my daughters troop we work on our manners, and quietness, which doesn't always work out, but we work on it. This guy in shorts was running around and telling everyone "I get paid to act goofy". Act? I thought he was being quite normal in his goofiness way.
The part that killed me was, every once in awhile he would say "true story..." and go off on some historical B.S. story. So are you telling me all the other stuff before that was a lie???
All in all, I think my son will have fun. He said that he wants badges this year, which I could say that he's been watching his sister fill up her vest with badges. Popcorn sales are coming up.. and they looked at me for help. I said I would help, but I can only handle one power trip and that's being the cookie mom of the Girl Scouts. That's fun. It's like being the Soup Nazi... "you want cookies?" "NO COOKIES FOR YOU!".
I have found some humor tonight.